Fill out the form below to book or enquire about Ukubebe Music at your party.
Confirmation and payment.
You will receive a personal reply to your booking request, with confirmation and payment details for online direct debit.
A non-refundable $50 deposit is payable, to confirm your party booking. The balance of payment is payable on the day of the party, via direct debit.
$200 for up to 15 children. For additional children, an extra $10 per child.
For 10 more children, this is negotiable, as an additional presenter may be required, this will increase the cost accordingly.
If our party presenters are required to travel more than half and hour a travel fee of $50 will be charged. (Ukubebe is based in Randwick)
For Drumming parties, there is an extra fee of $40, to transport all the drums to your venue.

Party booking
Please note that weekends are currently most suitable for our party presenters.